Sleep Related Questions To Ask A Potential Daycare

These 12 questions will help you understand...

🌟 the daycare's knowledge of sleep

🌟 if the daycare has safe and healthy sleep practice

🌟 how they handle nap schedules and when they transition down in the number of offered naps


Hey, hey! I'm Allison Egidi, a certified pediatric sleep coach, and my goal is to help you achieve the sleep goals you have for your child.

I like to think of myself as someone who, for the most part, has been able to accomplish anything I really set my mind to. That is, until my first daughter Addison was born. Wow, becoming a mother was a humbling experience. As the months went by, sleep went from minimal to virtually non-existent.

My maternity leave was exhausting, but once I returned to work, the sleep deprivation really started to kick in. And sleep at daycare was a disaster! Everyone said her sleep would get better…at 4 months, at 6 months, at 12 months ... eventually?? I read the books and got endless amounts of advice from friends and family, but Addison’s sleep was like a roller coaster ride that I couldn’t get off!

When she was nearly 2 years old, I reached my breaking point… it was the lowest I’ve ever felt. I was so tired, and the extreme exhaustion was bringing out all sorts of anxiety. 

Luckily, I stumbled upon a sleep consultant, and that was the turning point… shortly thereafter we were all sleeping, Addison was getting sick far less and laughing much more, and I was thriving at home and at work.

My obsession with children's sleep was born.  

I created my sleep coaching business to help parents avoid the unnecessary exhaustion, stress, and anxiety that I experienced for nearly two years.

These questions are the questions I wish I had known to ask the daycares I visited and I hope they help you better understand how a potential daycare would hand your child's sleep!Â